Judy Rosemarin |
5-15-2010 Podcast |
Judy Rosemarin leads Sense-able Strategies, Inc. a coaching and training form that helps leaders refine their executive presence, leadership confidence and competence. Judy’s philosophy is based on a deep belief that people have most of the resources they need, with her job being to help them rediscover and reclaim those resources through safe learning and skills practice. She is a firm believer in the power of storytelling, and is well known in print and television media for her career transition know-how – with a splash of colorful, dynamic personal communication in the mix.
www.sense-ablestrategies.com (212) 946-4986
10-2-2010 Podcast | Your Own Reunion – Career Resilience and Coming Home to Yourself: The most deeply gratified people are those who like Shakespeare suggested, are authentic with themselves. “To thine own self be true and it must follow as the night the day, thou can’ts not then be false to any man.” The word vocation has at its root vocare, which means to have a voice, allowing who you are to come forth, in essence coming home to ourselves. The best resume then becomes a projective job description for your best future, matching what you really enjoy.
10-16-2010 Podcast |
Is Who I used to be, Who I am now?: Differentiating ourselves in the competitive job market calls for an understanding of how we show up fully – what parts of us need to show up more, what parts are better left in background? Think about when you were most gratified and satisfied, as opposed to just accomplished (however so measured and regardless of by whom), and solicit ideas from others to craft your “set of specials” that no one else has, a personal value proposition, your brand, that portrays both your public and private values.
10-30-2010 Podcast | Costumes and Masks – Their Uses and Abuses: How much of you shows up at work, and how much is “masked?” Sadly, we learn to wear masks quite often to fit in, unknowingly adding hidden stress and anxiety by hiding from who we really are. Taking steps to become more “reunited” with yourself, able to diffuse distinctions between the you at work and the you outside of work, includes internal mood and temperature checks, as well as external checks to gage how others are responding to you.
11-11-2010 Podcast | Tips and Truths about Choosing the Right Coach, for the Right Reasons for the Right Results: Executive coaching is a specialized kind of coaching that helps business people and leaders learn how to become their best and excel while in their positions. When the match is right, chemistry with credibility, reliability and trust abounds between thought partners. Through a process of questioning, reflecting and experimenting, an actionable plan to develop new habits and skills unique to the leader results for sustainable personal change.