System for Identifying Motivated Abilities® OVERVIEW EVERY INDIVIDUAL has a pattern of motivated work behavior where motivated purpose meets the job’s purpose. The outcome is job fit and career fulfillment. This pattern describes and predicts specific work situations that are consistently and powerfully satisfying to us, playing to our natural and unique giftedness, or simply put “how we are wired”. The System of Identifying Motivated Abilities® or SIMA® allows the employee, the manager and team members to understand what drives the individual. Our integrated pattern of behavior affects every interaction, every decision and every result, ultimately defining true productivity and personal fulfillment.
NO OTHER SYSTEM provides this detailed information to describe an individual’s work system strengths and preferences, and also predict future behavior and results. No selection, development, reassignment or succession decision should be made without the insight the SIMA® brings. America’s foremost management thinker, Peter Drucker, stated, “Effective management is the productive use of strengths and the minimizing of weaknesses.” SIMA® brings this powerful idea to life.
THE LARSEN GROUP leverages the CORE TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS developed over 50 years ago by noted social science researcher, author and entrepreneur Arthur J. Miller, jr., the founder of SIMA International, Inc. SI is a consortium of global organizational effectiveness, career transition, assessment, and executive search practices. This is not a conventional preference based assessment process, leading to assigning individuals to quadrants within an established grid of competencies, nor does it rate skills or personality attributes and assign labels. Instead, SIMA® reveals a MOTIVATED ABILITIES PATTERN® or MAP® that is UNIQUE for each client. It shows what subject matter interests you, the circumstances under which your interests are triggered and sustained, the relationships important to your operating optimally (both how you lead and how best you are led), what working environment motivates you, the degree of structure and definition you need, and finally the “payoff” or desired outcome that is important to you. The copyrighted process uses rigorous qualitative research methodologies and has been used with more than 85,000 people to identify natural work behavior and how that behavioral pattern matches any given job or environment. Your MAP® has four key dimensions:
- It is ENDURING, appearing quite early in life and remains constant. Values and lifestyle change, but not your essence – what you want to achieve as a result of your efforts.
- It is PERVASIVE, expressing itself somewhere in your life, regardless of environment or circumstances. If not at work, it surfaces outside of work. Challenge automatically triggers it. Only when we operate per our MAPs do we find meaning and purpose.
- It is MOTIVATING. Working to your MAP brings energy and engagement with ease. You love what you do. You “fit”.
- It is EXPLANATORY. Discovering the reasons behind behavior, priorities and goals lends insight for career direction, and for organizations, more effective recruiting, selection, hiring, and promotion decisions.
Experience, education, character, values and credentials – these are all important considerations to job fit. They all, however, need to be considered in the context of your motivated strengths, indeed how you are wired. The SIMA® process and related coaching and business consulting can provide critical information and answers to such questions as:
What purpose does the individual pursue in their work? How will the individual impact the organization? How will the individual manage others? What specific management/supervisory environment will spur the individual to performance? What work circumstances are critical to igniting the individual’s motivation? What results will the individual create? How will the individual make decisions? What future positions will fit the individual’s unique motivations and gifts? How can a team be shaped to leverage the strengths of each unique member? We look forward to answering your questions and partnering with you on this extraordinary journey of increased self-awareness!